Christmas @ BRBC

Join us for the Advent season leading up to Christmas at BRBC! Here’s what’s happening:
Nov 17 & 24: Operation Christmas Child (global outreach)
Check out for tips how to pack a shoebox at Samaritan’s Purse here and join with our Awana program to participate! Drop off shoeboxes on these dates in the lower level vestibule at church.
Nov 17-Dec 1: Christmas for Others w/ Tree of Life (local outreach)
Pick up a sticky note with a gift request and instructions in the upstairs lobby under the main logo on 11/17 or 11/24; drop off all unwrapped gifts in the same location by 12/1.
Dec 1-22: Advent RIDGE class on Sunday mornings @ 9am for all ages
Come as many Sundays as you can! Family-style, in the quad classroom.
Dec 1-24: Advent with the LifePoint center
Visit the LifePoint center in December and get resources to celebrate the hope, joy, peace, and love of the Christmas season!
- Week 1 Advent video: Hope
- Week 2 Advent video: Peace
- Week 3 Advent video: Joy
- Week 4 Advent video: Love
Dec 1-24: Reverse-Advent (giving to others!) Calendar
Pick one up at the Next Steps station
Dec 7, 2-4p: Women’s Christmas Tea
Full details and RSVP for the tea here
Dec 24, 6-7p: Christmas Eve Service
Invite a family member or friend! A great opportunity to share the hope of God with us.