RIDGE Classes


We value biblical instruction.

The Bible is the very written word of God, the final authority for our lives, sufficient to show us who He is and who we are to be. 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Isaiah 40:8.

Join us for 50-minutes of in-depth Relevant Instruction, Doctrine, & Guidance to Equip Believers for Life–RIDGE classes–for adults, youth, and children down to 18 months.

june 2 - july 28
How He Leads: Psalm 23
Facilitators: Pastor David & various brbcers

Come to our special summer family-style RIDGE class in June & July. (We’ll take August off.). All ages are together under the tent, family-style (whichever weeks you can). Let’s meditate together on Psalm 23 over the summer and let God’s shepherding of us give us peace, reassurance, and confidence.

RIDGE Kids Classes

September to May
2s & 3s

A safe, fun time of childcare with a rotation of BRBC teachers and helpers.

4s & 5s

This class is going thru a rotation of ALL the main Bible stories, plus a fun play and singing time! Our amazing BRBC member Jodi Benedict will continue as your 4&5 year olds teacher.

1st-2nd & 3rd-5th grades

Parents, we’re using the Gospel Project to come alongside you and reinforce teaching your children the Bible. The Gospel Project is more than a story – it’s good news!  Through the weekly Sunday morning lessons, kids will be immersed in the gospel through every story, theological concept, and call to mission from Genesis to Revelation. Kids will begin to understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story—God’s plan to rescue His people through His Son, Jesus Christ.

1st-2nd are taught by our amazing BRBC member, Nellie Elliott, and helpers. 

3rd-5th are taught by our amazing BRBC members, Matt & Kelly Armes

RIDGE Youth Classes

Fun, fellowship and a growing confidence to study the Bible in community and on your own. We will have fun together, share prayer requests – but our main goal for this hour is to learn skills that build our confidence to understand God’s Word.

6th-8th grades
TEACHERS: Lori Horner & Leanne Manzo

Our middle schoolers are led by amazing facilitators who deeply care about loving these students and helping make their faith their own. Middle School will be led by BRBC member Lori Horner and focus on the theme “Learn to Ask Questions like Jesus.”

Are you a question asker? Did you know that questioning is one of the ways that Jesus built relationships? This winter, we will explore the questions Jesus asked. We will look at the responses he received and how he engaged with people through questions. Together, we will learn to ask questions like Jesus as we strengthen our relationship with God and His Word.

9th-12th grades
TEACHER: Rob Cooper

We are using the Interlocked Bible study curriculum which integrates the Genesis-to-Revelation narrative, doctrine and apologetics for believers to live as thriving disciples of Christ. Some of the class objectives include: 

  • Build a framework for explaining and defending the faith.
  • Understand the gospel from a broader perspective.
  • To show who God is through an enlarged vision of Him as revealed in Scripture.
  • Allow the Bible to interpret the world.
  • Show the Bible’s metanarrative.

Sample intro slides here or learn more at the Interlocked website  

Questions about Classes?

Let us know if you have any questions about RIDGE Classes at Blue Ridge Bible Church.

BRBC Office
Church office