A lifestyle of worship is for each one of us
The vision for the worship ministry at BRBC is that everyone expresses their love for God with all their heart, soul and mind.
This worshipful act of love can only be accomplished by being a believer in Jesus and therefore filled with the Holy Spirit. Our hope is that the songs we sing in our worship services will become a source of encouragement, exhortation and praise for each worshiper on Sundays and during the week.
Let us therefore by him offer the sacrifice of praise always to God, that is, the fruit of the lips, which confess his Name. (Hebrews 13:15)
Core Values
We believe that a heart for worship will manifest itself in participation of singing songs that: call upon God, praise His Holy name, are all about His marvelous attributes and worship of our Savior Jesus Christ.
We sing worship music that builds up our faith with the truth of Scripture and doctrine in our lyrics that reflect our church’s statement of Faith.
We choose worship songs that we believe are worthy of memorization, in that they are psalms, hymns and spiritual Songs. We repeat a select number of worship songs on a quarterly basis. The songs then become familiar and more easily remembered.
How to Get Involved
We are looking for instrumentalists and vocalists to help lead our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings. Training will be provided and the commitment is two to three Sundays per month, and the weekly practice.
We need team members who can learn how to run song lyrics, help with setup and teardown of cords, and tasks related to audio/visual logistics. Training will be provided and the commitment is two to three Sundays per month, and the weekly practice.
Let us know if you have any questions about the Blue Ridge Bible Worship Arts Ministry, or if you are interested in serving in this ministry.