We see a church that is using the incredible wealth of the county and nation in which we live to bless not only our own community but also communities around the world.
We also see a new generation of missionaries being raised up from within our church, as well as many opportunities for both short- and long-term missions that will support these sister churches around the world.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to over everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt.28:19-20)
Then, after they had fasted and prayed and placed their hands on them, they sent them off. (Acts 13:3)
Blue Ridge Bible Church provides support to missionaries and missionary organizations all over the world. Here you can learn more about our missionaries, short-term mission trips, and how to get involved.
Our Sponsored Missionaries
- Germany (Phil & Catherine Dow)
- Ghana (Joe and Denise Holman)
- Mexico (Mike & Pam Richardson)
- Pakistan (Luke & Nancy Cutherell)
- Pakistan (Pakistan Children's Rescue)
- Pakistan (Dr. Ambrose Emmanuel)
- Persecuted (Pastor Saint)
- Persecuted (Smyrna)
- Romania (Adi & Lavinia Dreana)
- France (Steve Darling)
- Zambia (Benedict & Kathleen Schwartz)

Phil & Catherine Dow
Steve Darling
Mike & Pam Richardson
Joe and Denise Holman
Adi & Lavinia Dreana
Luke & Nancy Cutherell
Dr. Ambrose Emmanuel
Benedict & Kathleen Schwartz
Pastor Saint
Missionaries in Paris
Shepherd’s Way Clinic Fundraiser - January 2025
Global Outreach Spotlight

BRBC is privileged to support Dr. Ambrose Emmanuel. In addition to supporting the construction of the Shepherd’s Way Urgent Care Clinic and pharmacy, his ministry to locals (both Muslim and Christian) includes widows and orphans among others. We partner with him financially, in prayer, and in one-to-one communication. The faith of Dr. Emmanuel and the extraordinary brothers and sisters involved with Healing Journeys Foundation have tangibly blessed us and helped to build up our own faith.
Find out more HERE.
BRBCers, we’ll be raising $65,000 by February 21 to help build the Shepherd's Way Care Clinic in Lahore, Pakistan!
The lack of access to quality primary health care is a common struggle in Pakistan, cutting across religious and cultural barriers, particularly for marginalized communities. Improving care, and providing more access, is one goal on which both Muslims and Christians agree.
Establishing this urgent care clinic will provide basic primary health care services to the Christian and Muslim populations. The purpose of the project is twofold. One is to create a transcendent point of engagement to the local Muslim population through which Jesus Christ and Christianity can be brought into the community by providing health care acceptable to the local culture. Second, the dispensary will benefit the neighborhood in which it is located, including the existing BRBC-supported Children’s Center.
Here are ways you can be praying for the new clinic in Lahore, Pakistan:
- Raise the $65K to build the Shepherds Way Urgent Care Clinic
- Peaceful environment around the Clinic and the Healing Journeys Children’s Center
- Find Professional Christian medical staff willing to support the clinic
- Spread the Gospel through a demonstration of love
Ready to give? Click HERE
Other Ways to Serve
Let us know if you have any questions about our global outreach.