Serve on Sunday mornings
Join a serving team on Sunday morning and be part of helping to make our worship services happen!
Sunday mornings are a wonderful time to serve, individually or as a family. Check out the opportunities below and take your next step.
Ways to Serve
Friendly, service-oriented volunteers are needed to arrive before the service to make coffee, setup the Coffee Bar area, and serve hot drinks as folks arrive to the 10:15am worship service. Serve on a rotation, as often as you like.
Helpers are needed for Ridge Kids during the worship service; kids ages 4-8 exit after the singing portion. Helpers are also needed in the Nursery (0-24mos) and Toddlers (2-3yrs) for this hour, for the entirety of the service. Serve each week or on a rotation.
Helpers are needed for Ridge Kids during the worship service; kids ages 4-8 exit after the singing portion. Helpers are also needed in the Nursery (0-24mos) and Toddlers (2-3yrs) for this hour, for the entirety of the service. Serve each week or on a rotation.
Volunteers are needed to help parents sign their kids in for Children’s Ministry and print out check-in stickers. Arrive early to turn on the check-in tech; be a friendly and available face if newcomers need to sign in for the first time, or to help troubleshoot. Serve for each Sunday in a particular month, or on a rotation.
Volunteers are needed whose main focus is to maintain a safe and secure environment on Sunday mornings. Help maintain awareness of our surroundings and be available.
Those with a heart to help make everyone feel welcome here, and especially those willing to take a proactive approach to identifying and coming alongside newcomers, are needed on this team!
We are looking for instrumentalists and vocalists to help lead our congregation in worship on Sunday mornings. Training will be provided and the commitment is two to three Sundays per month, and the weekly practice.
We need team members who can learn how to run song lyrics, help with setup and teardown of cords, and tasks related to audio/visual logistics. Training will be provided and the commitment is two to three Sundays per month, and the weekly practice.
Other Ways to Serve
Use the button below to sign up to serve, or let us know if you have any questions!

Brittany Bayless
Communication, Operations and Mobilization