As a Women’s Ministry Committee, we desire to see the women of Blue Ridge cultivating gospel-changed lives by communicating Christ in every aspect of their lives.

We aim to do that by building fellow believers in the knowledge and grace of God, and being sent as God’s servants into families, neighborboods, communities and the world to spread the love of Christ.

In order to assist women in their growth in these areas, the Committee plans several events throughout the year, such as weekly Bible studies from September to May, a Christmas tea, a getaway retreat (usually in March), and a spring/summer fellowship. The goal is to provide diverse opportunities to connect with other women of all ages in our church family.

Please use the contact function at the bottom of this page to reach out and learn more!


Women's Ministry Spotlight

BRBC ladies, you are invited to our 2025 Women’s Retreat!

Registration is open starting December 1 (earlybird registration is open Dec 1-18; regular registration is available Dec 19-Feb 26 or until spots fill up).

Upcoming Women's Events
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Questions about Women's Ministry?

Let us know if you have any questions about the Women’s Ministry.

Jan Murphy