We believe that parents are the primary disciplers of their children.
Therefore, our youth group leadership wants to come alongside parents – not replace them—to help fulfill our body’s mission of communicating Christ, building believers, and sending servants.
Youth group isn’t just a bunch of activities meant to draw a crowd and entertain. We definitely want to have be refreshed and fun, but let’s get real—life can hurt. Teenagers flourish when they have a safe place, in addition to the home, where they can let their guard down, ask the hard questions, and find sweet friendship. By God’s grace, we strive to be that place for our teens.
As a primary teaching time, we work our way through Bible-based curriculum, communicating Christ and the gospel to our students, teaching them to distinguish between truth and deception as they walk the road of being a teenager.
A time of fellowship through discussion, worship, and games, to build our youth not only as individual believers but also as a community of believers. Growth happens in community—we want to see our youth spur one another on towards closeness with Christ. (9-12th grades meet in the quad room; 6-8th grades meet in room 101.)

Calling All Artists!
Anyone is invited to submit art (drawings, pictures, etc) that captures the theme “More Than Conquerors.” We want to celebrate this work by showing it and encouraging one another in it.
I will plan on showing any art that is submitted by September 20 at the fall campout. We will also consider using one of the pictures/drawings we receive as the logo on our Spring retreat t-shirts. You can submit more than one.
To be considered for the spring retreat t-shirt logo, please submit art by January 4, 2024.
Let us know if you have any questions about the Blue Ridge Bible Youth Ministry, or if you are interested in serving in this ministry.