
RIDGE Classes

RIDGE for Life classes
Relevant Instruction, Doctrine & Guidance to Equip Believers for Life

RIDGE class Session 2 – Jan 9-Mar 13
Register HERE

Adult class options:

OPTION 1: The Church, Gender & Sexual identity. We who follow Christ find ourselves living in a culture far estranged from the biblical values we have learned and the Gospel that has been handed down to us over millennia. Perhaps no other issue illustrates the rapid change in American culture more than the question of LGBTQ+ issues that seem to permeate our politics, news, and educational institutions. 

For the winter RIDGE session, this class will wrestle with this issue from a biblical perspective—looking at the whole counsel of the Bible: not only at what it says about this particular issue but what it says about how to speak to, treat, and relate with people who do not seek the Bible as the core of their values. We’ll start by considering the issue within the current flow of our culture, then look at what Scripture teaches on the subject. Following those sessions, we’ll consider how to engage well on the subject with people outside of the church, with others inside of the church who hold a different view, and with the question of “what should I do when it touches my own family?” We’ll close with two sessions on defending the biblical view from those in our culture outside the church who disagree and from those inside the church who interpret the Bible differently.

In all things, we will seek humble obedience, recognizing that we too are sinners, and that no one in this world is beyond the reach of God’s love. We will also remember that, despite the culture’s turn against us, Christ is still king and we can live in confident expectation of that, our real hope.

OPTION 2: Continuing in the “Making Theology Accessible” program, we will focus on Bibliology & Hermeneutics.

Bibliology simply is the study of the Bible as a book. We will explore a number of topics including: (1) how did we end up with 66 books, (2) has the Bible changed over time, (3) are there errors or mistakes in the Bible, and much more. The goal is to build our confidence and trust in God’s Word but also help us to give a defense for those who might also be asking these questions to us (1 Peter 3:15).

Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpretation. This topic will be covered more briefly but will discuss the challenges in reading and interpreting the Bible. Our goal is to give us greater confidence in being able to read and understand God’s Word so that we might live it out more fully.


RIDGE Youth & RIDGE Kids classes offered at 9am too!

RIDGE KIDS CLASSES – 4th grade and under
Ages 18mos-3years: A safe, fun time of childcare with a rotation of teachers.
4s & 5s: This class is going thru a rotation of ALL the main Bible stories, plus a fun play and signing time!
1st-4th grades: Learning the foundations of Christianity, how to develop their faith and understanding of the Bible and who God is, and what being a Christian really means. 

(*5th graders will move up and join the 6th-8th middle school class)

5th-8th grades: New Habits for the New Year – We’ll explore the power of good habits and how to use good habits to encourage spiritual and personal growth. You will also do some outings as a group on Sunday mornings with the intent to serve and bless others in our community.
9th-12th grades: The Church, Gender & Sexual identity -or- Bibliology & Hermeneutics

(*High school class is typically facilitated by Pastor David, but in light of relevant topics, high schoolers will join the Adult classes this session.)

Register HERE



May 7, 2024

The event is finished.