A lifestyle of worship

What is happening when we give? As an act of worship, our giving is a response of gratitude and obedience that we can offer to God. In addition, the great gift of technology can help make worship and giving part of our day-to-day lifestyle. Worshiping the Lord with our gifts to Him can be done any day and any time—we don't have to worship just in church!

Worship through Giving

Here are four suggestions on keeping the act and worship together:


Bring your gift to the worship service and place it in the box at the entrance to the sanctuary as an entering act of worship on Sunday.


Give online (many do!) but before you complete the transaction, stop and say a prayer of thanks to God for what he has done for you; worship him as you give.


If you give online—especially recurring gifts—consider writing a note of thanks to God as an act of worship and drop them into the offering box as an entering act of worship on Sunday. 


Finally, whatever method you choose, if you are part of a family, include them in your worship. If you are a parent, make sure your children see you give and understand that you are giving as an act of worship in thanks to God—it’s a very important part of growing them as disciples of our Lord.

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

2 Corinthians 9:6-9

Ways to Give

Give in Person

Bring your gift to the worship service and place it in the box at the entrance to the sanctuary as an entering act of worship on Sunday.

Or mail checks to:
PO Box 2428
Purcellville, VA 20134

Give Online

But before you complete the transaction, stop and say a prayer of thanks to God for what he has done for you; worship Him as you give. Giving from a bank account (versus a card) saves us in paying fees! Or consider selecting “cover our processing fees.”

Give in the App

Download our app and select “Give” or search for us in your app store. A one-time registration is required. You can save your info by creating a passcode or enabling Face ID in your profile.

Manage Your Giving

To view your giving transactions or access your giving statement, log in to Blue Ridge Connect and choose “My Giving” on the left menu.

If you do not have an account set up, please contact the office at .

Giving Contact
Questions about Giving?

If you have any questions about all about worshipping through giving, please contact the church office.

BRBC Office
Church office