
BRBC Float @ Fourth of July Parade

Church, this outreach opportunity helps us have visibility in our local community and allows folks to put a smiling, friendly face with “Blue Ridge Bible Church.” Sign up for a slot below to be a part! Volunteer options:

>>Walk in the parade – 12 slots
Show up 9am-12pm on July 4. No prep work required! Pass out pens, balloons, smile and say hi to folks as you walk the parade route. Plan to walk the parade route, which is about a mile and a half. 8:45am if meeting at BRBC; 9:30am if meeting at Blue Ridge Middle School.

>>Help decorate the float (the week prior) – 6 slots
We’ll be reassembling the float decorations from last year. If you’re willing to consider helping, sign up and Steven Jessberger will contact the team to set a time.

>>Donate a case of water – 15 slots
We’ll be passing out bottles of water with BRBC logos and the church website. Donate a case of water and drop it off in the church lower lobby– we need them early, by June 4 or June 11.

Sign up HERE! (You’ll be prompted to login to Blue Ridge Connect)
Or – you can sign up here without logging in … but be sure to check your email and click the verification link within 5min so your sign-up actually gets confirmed