Fall Campout - Blue Ridge Bible Church


Fall Campout

Location: Just 10 minutes south of BRBC. 

Address: 20268 St Louis Rd. Purcellville VA 20132
(where we did our “Worship Wednesdays)

Cost: $35  

Dates: September 22-24 (deadline to signup: Sep 15)

Check-in/drop off in Philomont: 4:30-5:00 Friday evening.  

Pick up at Church: Sunday after church (11:30am) at BRBC. 

Needs: Please let me know if you have tents we can borrow!

Sign up now for the fall 2023 youth group campout!! 

Good food. Good friends/fellowship. Good fun!  Worship, lessons, small group time, and FUN!

We will introduce and explore our 2024 ministry year theme “More Than Conquerors.” We will be camping in tents, but are able to retreat to an enclosed barn for lessons and worship. And– we can set tents up in the barn if it rains. Guys and girls will be in separate “campsites” and will have access to running water and bathrooms.


September 22 - 24, 2023


4:30 pm - 11:30 am

The event is finished.