If you’re like me, it helps to know I’m not alone in feeling the way I do.
It can be intimidating—if not downright scary—to interact with someone may not yet know Jesus. I’ve found it’s less scary as I get to know the person.
Last week we focused on listening. It’s a practical way to be aware of the needs around you! Something I heard recently was, “If we listen, folks will tell us how to love them.” Prayer is the best beginning. And listening is a good next step. But it’s not the ending!
This week (Oct 29-Nov 3), let’s pick one of the last letters of BLESS and take action!
- Ask for the Holy Spirit for help to have His eyes and His heart for this person. Ask the Spirit for practical help to get to know him or her – ask for an opportunity to eat, serve, or share with them!
- E – What’s the value of sharing a meal or a cup of coffee? It’s something that builds relationship, over extended time.
- S – How can I be a servant to others? Be on the lookout for ways. Jesus served, that’s how he lived life.
- S – How do we share our story? When the time is right, talk and share the story of how Jesus changed your life. Tell your story, share your faith … after you have prayed, listened, had a meal, and served.
Who is God calling you to bless this week?
Want more resources? Click on the Bless Your Neighbor flyer or resource list below.