
Men’s Summer Bible Study

Update: As of June 5, the men’s Bible study will return to meeting in-person in the BRBC kitchen @ 7am

Men, this is a great time to jump into men’s Bible study with fellow men from BRBC. On May 22, the men’s breakfast group that meets weekly is starting a new 10-week study on Saturdays, 8:00-9:30am. The study is the video-based “Intro to Theology” (hosted by Dallas Theological Seminary graduates) recommended by Pastor Jack in the past. This is where the “stage of truth” concept is from! You will watch a video during the week and the group will discuss; Gil Paist will facilitate. The group plans to meet on zoom and may also adjust to meet in person based on feedback. All are invited. Email Gil (/" target="blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">) to learn more and for the zoom link


May 4, 2024

The event is finished.