If you’re like me, the week started and the first thing on my mind yesterday morning was not “Who is God calling me to bless this week?”
But that’s why our Kingdom Calling focus these next several weeks is encouraging me–and you–to be intentional in this area. (You may hear from your kids or the youth how they’re participating too!)
- Consider the people you encounter daily where you live, work & play. Ask the Holy Spirit for help here!
- Write down 1-3 names of unbelievers that God has specifically placed in your life. Put the names somewhere you’ll see them!
- This week (Oct 15-20), let’s “Begin with prayer” and bless these neighbors, even without their knowing, by praying for them (and for ourselves)!
To be clear, our October focus isn’t to add duty or lay guilt in any of our lives. It’s to recognize the value of where God has placed us! Jesus CAME to us–and He wants to use us to COME to those around us who are still lost on their way to Him. Check out the Bless Your Neighbor flyer below & get the full picture where we’re headed this month!