
AHG Important Volunteer Needs – thanks!

5/25 update: Volunteers from BRBC are still needed to fill these positions … will you prayerfully consider serving? 

Discipleship/mentoring opportunity for daughters

American Heritage Girls is a ministry to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. The AHG troop that meets at BRBC needs your help to continue though! At this time, this ministry will not continue this September unless 2 volunteers at minimum are found:

  1. Someone with skills for administration, planning, and communication is needed for the Troop Coordinator role.
  2. A second person is needed for the Vice-Coordinator role.
    (Click either title in the above points for a description.)
  3. Men and women are always needed as well to volunteer to lead a “unit” of 8-10 girls (ages 5-6 / 6-9 / 9-12 / 12-14 / or 14-18)–or to come occasionally and help girls learn topical badges.

Are you someone whose family or daughters benefitted from AHG in the past? Would you be willing to step in and provide administrative support so the group can continue?

Is your daughter currently participating in AHG or interested in participating? Would you consider filling a leadership role?


July 26, 2024

The event is finished.