
Christmas outreaches 2022: Local & World

BRBC, check out opportunities below for YOUR outreach this Christmas season, to folks in our local community and around our world. This season we want to RENEW our care for others and be intentional to determine how we can each get involved to respond to the love God has for us and reach out to others as an overflow of that!     


Operation Christmas Child 

GOAL: Participate with our Awana clubbers who are packing shoeboxes to send around the world. OCC shoeboxes are sent to the poorest of the poor around the world, giving kids what may be their only Christmas gift as well as introducing them to Jesus. This is our 23rd year participating alongside Samaritan’s Purse Ministries. We encourage every family to fill a shoebox in an effort to reach kids all around the world with the Gospel of Christ. This is a tangible and practical way for families to participate in sharing the Gospel. For more information on how to pack a shoebox, click here.

Get info HERE on how to pack your box & drop it off at BRBC by Nov 20. See a sample box at the sanctuary table on Nov 13!

Christmas for Others (a Tree of Life opportunity)

GOAL: BRBCers to claim 30 “sticky notes” that represent a gift for a family or teen going through a time of need in the Purcellville area.

Or, signup to help wrap gifts at the TOL Center in Purcellville (happening Dec 6-8). Signup required; you can find full details and signup for wrapping by clicking here.

Signup HERE by scrolling down to “TOL’s Christmas for Others”

Project Belong blessing foster families

GOAL: “Thank you” gifts for the foster parents of Western Loudoun foster kids, specifically seven $100 giftcards to Target, WalMart or Amazon, and ten $10 Starbucks or Dunkin’ giftcards

Signup HERE by scrolling down to “Project Belong”


And finally, here are some informal, day-to-day Christmas ideas to bless those in your path this week:

    • Strike up conversation: Ask about his or her Christmas traditions—and simply listen to their response in a way that seeks to understand!

    • Treat someone to coffee/hot cocoa: The grocery clerk, librarian, janitor, teacher, whomever you consistently see! This is a fun way to surprise someone with a simple pleasure, just because it’s Christmas.

    • Take over a plate of cookies: Food is a great entry into the lives of our neighbors or coworkers!

    • Brainstorm a way to serve: Does he or she have a need you know of? Whether a tangible need or an emotional/spiritual need where you could encourage them, especially in this time of pandemic?

    • Share from the outflow of your relationship with Jesus: How does knowing Jesus today influence the way you think, relate, and act? How is Jesus transforming you in an area/s where you know you couldn’t change yourself? Jesus is active in your life—just allow that to spill over into the lives of those around you!

Feel free to invite someone to our Christmas Eve service, happening on December 24 at 6pm at BRBC.


July 27, 2024

The event is finished.


Christmas Outreach Opportunities

Christmas for Others (a Tree of Life opportunity)

GOAL: BRBCers to claim 30 “sticky notes” that represent a gift for a family or teen going through a time of need in the Purcellville area

Signup HERE by scrolling down to “Christmas for Others”


Operation Christmas Child 

GOAL: Participate with our Awana clubbers who are packing shoeboxes to send around the world. OCC shoeboxes are sent to the poorest of the poor around the world, giving kids what may be their only Christmas gift as well as introducing them to Jesus.

Get info HERE on how to pack your box & drop it off at BRBC by Nov 21. See a sample box at the sanctuary table on Nov 14!

Foster care gift baskets (Project Belong opportunity)

GOAL: BRBCers to claim 4-8 gift baskets to bless families in Western Loudoun who are fostering a child(ren) and also foster kids who have “aged out” of the system.

Signup HERE by scrolling down to “Project Belong”


And finally, here are some informal, day-to-day Christmas ideas to bless those in your path this week:

    • Strike up conversation: Ask about his or her Christmas traditions—and simply listen to their response in a way that seeks to understand!

    • Treat someone to coffee/hot cocoa: The grocery clerk, librarian, janitor, teacher, whomever you consistently see! This is a fun way to surprise someone with a simple pleasure, just because it’s Christmas.

    • Take over a plate of cookies: Food is a great entry into the lives of our neighbors or coworkers!

    • Brainstorm a way to serve: Does he or she have a need you know of? Whether a tangible need or an emotional/spiritual need where you could encourage them, especially in this time of pandemic?

    • Share from the outflow of your relationship with Jesus: How does knowing Jesus today influence the way you think, relate, and act? How is Jesus transforming you in an area/s where you know you couldn’t change yourself? Jesus is active in your life—just allow that to spill over into the lives of those around you!

Feel free to invite someone to our Christmas Eve service – December 24 at 6pm at BRBC. Stay tuned for more!


July 27, 2024

The event is finished.