
Ladies Christmas Tea

The Women’s Ministry Committee invites all BRBC ladies (ages 16 & above) to our annual Christmas Tea. The theme this year is  “O Come Let Us Adore Him”. Everyone is encouraged to join us for an afternoon of focusing on the One We Adore and celebrate. There will be great fellowship, activities and goodies.

Everyone is asked to bring a new or gently used book for a book exchange. Please wrap it and write the genre of the book on the outside. We will also be doing a craft together that you can take home and use as an outreach tool.

We must receive your RSVP here by November 26.  There is no charge for this event and childcare is not provided. Sign up now, bring a friend and join us as we start off the Christmas season together! This is always a great time, encouraging sisters in Christ and meeting new ones.


December 2, 2023


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The event is finished.