
Women’s Christmas Tea

The Women’s Ministry Committee invites all BRBC ladies (ages 16 & up) to our annual Christmas Tea on December 7, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.! Our theme this year is “Light of the World”. Come and join us as we celebrate the Reason for the Season – the coming of Emmanuel. “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; they who dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them has the light shined” Isaiah 9:2

We look forward to a fun afternoon of fellowship with plenty of hot drinks, treats, and some carol singing!

Please bring a wrapped small or medium tumbler candle for a candle swap! We will also be assembling a small gift bag to take home to help share the “Light of the World” with a friend or neighbor.

RSVP by December 1st either online here or at our spot in the lobby so we can plan plenty of seating and eating! If you would like to bring a treat to share, check out our sign up list here.

There is no cost or child care for this event.


December 7, 2024


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The event is finished.