
RIDGE Classes – Session 3

RIDGE class Session 3 – March 27 – May 22

Register HERE

Adult class: Is Your God Too Small? 

(WARNING: This class has the potential to forever alter your worship of God.)

Is your worship in a rut?  Do you find that sometimes your view of God is somewhat plain?  Or routine?  Has God become very small to you … and, well … meh? If so, then it’s time for you to get reacquainted with your God! 

This RIDGE class will begin to explore the vastness of the character of God: as the Father, as the Son, and as the Holy Spirit. We’ll look at His character, His attributes, how the Church properly understood Him…as well as when people incorrectly explained Him (and still do).

The God we worship is three persons, yet One God. Simple, yet complex. Fully wrath, yet fully love. Infinite, who became finite. Human, yet divine. Beyond comprehension, yet knowable and personal. 

Join us and be ready to explore the infinite One together!


RIDGE Youth & RIDGE Kids classes offered at 9am too!


RIDGE KIDS CLASSES – 4th grade and under

Ages 18mos-3years: A safe, fun time of childcare with a rotation of teachers.

4s & 5s: This class is going thru a rotation of ALL the main Bible stories, plus a fun play and singing time!

1st-4th grades: Learning the foundations of Christianity, how to develop their faith and understanding of the Bible and who God is, and what being a Christian really means. 


5th-8th grades: Our middle schoolers are studying the Character of God this session. It will be an activity-based study using short Bible Project videos. 

9th-12th grades: Our high schoolers will continue a theme this year of how to read and engage with Scripture well. Pastor David will use a Bible Project series to facilitate answering the question, “How do you read Biblical poetry?”, since one-third of the Bible is written in poetry!

Register HERE


July 27, 2024

The event is finished.