
Fall RIDGE Classes – Sep 11-Nov 20

Register HERE; check out descriptions & options below!

What Did You Expect? Redeeming The Realities Of Marriage 
Facilitators: Steven & Janice Jessberger

This class is DVD- and workbook-based, by phenomenal pastor and teacher Paul David Tripp. From his website, his “driving passion is to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.” That’s what this class will help lead you toward—connecting the transforming power of Jesus to the everyday life of your marriage! 

Steven and Janice have been married for 30 years and have tons of experience and stories. They’ll facilitate this class, lead discussion, and be available to you on this topic. (

The Stage of Truth: What does the Bible say about humanity? 
Facilitators: Justin Boswell & Rob Hackworth

Our next dive into better understanding God will be by focusing on what role we (humanity) have in relation to God. We will take time to thoughtfully explore the questions of why God created us, and how sin, both pre- and post-Fall, has affected our relationship to God. In addition, we pray these sessions will also motivate us to have God’s heart for those around us who are still lost on their way to Him.

(This class is course #4 using the “Making Theology Accessible” materials; Pastor Jack often shows the “stage of truth” from this program as a key reference point for us understanding our faith and today’s culture. We went through courses 1-3 last year and plan to continue this year!)

During this session, we will also debate the questions of free will. Our intent in doing this is not to present one-sided information, but instead we will delve into a presentation of major views from fellow Christians over the ages. 

By gaining a better understanding of these topics, we will continue to grow a solid biblical worldview. Why is this important? Because it directly impacts how we see ourselves, and ultimately how we treat each other, and how we love our God. 

Living Well in a Hostile World 
Facilitator: Tim Murphy

Church History: What We Can Learn About Living in a Hostile Culture

We often read in our news about “unprecedented” or “never-before-seen” attacks on Christians who are trying to live out their faith in our world. In fact, no suffering of any Christian in today’s world is unprecedented, or even unusual in the broad sweep of history. This fall, we’ll explore the first three centuries of Christian history, with a careful aim at learning from those who went before us how we might prepare ourselves not just to survive, but to thrive in a culture that rejects our faith and those who practice it.

First, we will look at the apostolic era and the generation immediately after, covering most of the first century, then at a period that covers most of the second century, and finally at the third century through Constantine’s adoption of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire.

In each era, we’ll spend a week understanding the history of the era—both larger world history and the history of the church, then a week looking at the broader culture the church operated in, and finally the various doctrinal difficulties and heresies the church faced in each era. The class is specifically designed for about 25 minutes of presentation, followed by 25-30 minutes of group application. So bring what you know from Scripture and what you already know or will learn about the history of the early church, and let’s learn together how to continue our mission even in a culture that rejects our Lord and our faith.

RIDGE KIDS CLASSES – 5th grade and under

2s & 3s: A safe, fun time of childcare with a rotation of BRBC teachers and helpers.

4s & 5s: This class is going thru a rotation of ALL the main Bible stories, plus a fun play and singing time!

1st-3rd grades: These children will learn how all stories in the Bible point to ONE main story pointing to Jesus. Using the Jesus Storybook Bible curriculum, they’ll see how “every story whispers his name.”

4th-5th grades: Learning the foundations of Christianity, how to develop their faith and understanding of the Bible and who God is, and what being a Christian really means.


Fun, fellowship and a growing confidence to study the Bible in community and on your own. We will have fun together, share prayer requests – but our main goal for this hour is to learn skills that build our confidence to understand God’s Word.

6th-8th grades: Our middle schoolers are led by amazing facilitators who deeply care about loving these students and helping make their faith their own. Middle School will be digging into the Psalms.

9th-12th grades: Pastor David will teach our high schoolers and come alongside as they continue to make their faith their own. High School will study 1 Timothy. 

Register HERE so we have enough materials!


July 27, 2024

The event is finished.


RIDGE Classes

RIDGE for Life classes
Relevance | Instruction | Doctrine | Guidance | Equipping for Life
Register HERE

September 12-November 14 | 9-9:50am

Classes for Adults, Youth, Kids | Enrollment required | Register HERE 

  • Develop your own Bible study methods (Option 1)
    Facilitators: Tim Murphy & Wayne Hala
  • Making Theology Accessible: Exploring the Stage of Truth (Option 2)
    Facilitator: Gil Paist, Rob Hackworth & Credo House Ministry content 
  • RIDGE Kids classes @ 9am (5th grade and younger)
    *Adult registration required in order to register for kids classes
  • RIDGE Youth @ 9am (6th-12th grades)
    How to share your faith – Life in 6 Words tools

To help us plan, enrollment is required. Please help us plan! Adults who register are then able to register children. (Parents, kids can attend kids classes only if a parent is attending an adult class.) **We hope to phase out the need for enrollment as we have more and more volunteers signup to help staff kids classes. Thank you for bearing with us for the time being!

New topics and classes will be offered in January and March as well. Are you coming to RIDGE classes? Register HERE.




July 27, 2024

The event is finished.