Women’s Summer Bible Study
Women’s Ministry Committee is excited to offer a summer study, hosted by Erin Thompson, in the book “Behold Your God” by Myrna Alexander. Behold Your God is a life-changing study of the attributes of God. It’s a small book packed with scripture verses, with each lesson focusing on a particular truth about the characteristics of God, such as Love, Supreme and Sovereign, Good, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Immutable, Faithful, Holy, and Just. Behold Your God helps readers understand what God is really like and encourages practical application of this knowledge to daily living.
The study will meet at Erin’s home in Philomont, Monday evenings from June 5 to July 24 (break for July 4th holiday), at 7:00 p.m. Space is limited on her deck, so please sign up now! Books are available here on Amazon.