
Ghana 3, update #4

Hello Ghana Supporters,

Thank you for your prayers for the team. Much has happened since our last update. After preaching for four straight Sundays, Pastor has given us a break. We have still been teaching at Burden Bearers, although that will soon end. The semester ends on April 11th, but we will likely leave the school in two more weeks. We have agreed to type the tests that the teachers write for the students at the end of each term. This will help the school significantly as it takes many hours to type the tests since the teachers struggle typing. We plan to go back to Bible Church Academy soon after. There we will continue to teach and be able to catch up with all the friends we have made at BCA.

After talking with Pastor about giving to projects, we have decided to invest in Burden Bearers Academy to buy them a computer. This will help them keep the school’s attendance, finances, and various other administrative things in order. In addition, once the computer is bought, we plan to teach the three teachers we are working with how to use it. Hopefully this will empower them to teach the others and they will continue to progress once we leave. In addition, we are looking to buy books for the school. Most of the kids do not have the books and this significantly hampers the student’s ability to learn. The books will be the property of the school and they will be able to use them over years as kids filter through the classes. Lastly, we are looking to help put in doors and windows in the buildings where the kids are taught. The rainy season tends to cause class to be cancelled and this will allow them to continue on a regular schedule. We are looking to buy bibles for people in churches who do not have access to a bible or the means to afford one as well. Depending on the cost of these projects, we will gauge what else we can give to. Thank you once again for your generous support of this trip. It is helping the church of Northern Ghana significantly.

One activity that we will start this Monday is teaching the youth (young adults) how to properly read and understand the Bible the way it was intended. They are eager to learn and desire to grow in the knowledge of the Bible. However, some have acknowledged their lack of knowledge in properly interpreting Scripture. We are preparing the material as we write and look forward to weekly meetings with the youth on this important subject matter.

Prayer Requests:

  • That the students at Burden Bearers would grow in their ability to learn and to take ownership of their education to see how important it is.
  • That we would be open vessels and be filled with the Holy Spirit with all knowledge to teach accurately the words of God.
  • That the projects we give to would bear much fruit.
  • That we would humbly admit when we are wrong and pray for each other in areas that we need to grow in.
  • That the youth would fully understand the material taught regarding the Bible so that they may be empowered to read Scripture accurately and in a way that they can apply it to their lives.

Our love for you all grows as we realize how dependent we are in your partnership financially but more importantly, through prayer. Thank you for your selflessness and dedication to the cause of Christ.

For pictures of the trip go to this Facebook page: LINK.

In Christ,

The Ghana Three

John, Will, Tim