Making disciples

Being and making disciples is for each one of us.

As a church, we are giving our all to respond to Jesus’ Great Commandments and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We value discipleship, convinced each person in our church is called to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, and to help lead and instruct others to do the same. Luke 9:23; Titus 2:1-6; 2 Timothy 2:2.

We are renewing our commitment to diligently apply the gifts & abilities God’s given us to obey the Great Commission by:
We are renewing our commitment to a clear focus on our discipleship opportunities in Children & Youth ministries:
Our Values

What does a discipleship relationship look like?

Study a book of the Bible and grow together
Read a book together on a certain topic
Meet for coffee & chat purposefully
Share your life while doing a consistent task: laundry, walking/running, cooking, doing a project

What’s your next discipleship step at BRBC?

Be known in a Life Group or Youth Group
Grow through topical RIDGE classes
Be a part of a Men’s or Women’s small group
Awana for children & teens
Baptism or covenant membership
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Questions about Discipleship?

Let us know if you have any questions about discipleship.

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