
Outreach resources for Christmastime

Looking for some ways to connect intentionally with the people God has placed in your sphere of influence this Christmas season?

This is a natural time of year to build relationships, be willing to speak kindly and honestly about how Jesus changes everything, and then trust God with the outcomes. Here are some suggestions to get you started: 

  • Invite to Christmas Eve: Begin praying that he or she would be receptive to an invitation to our Christmas Eve service (Dec 24, 6pm) and this would be another means to introduce them to who Jesus truly is.
  • Strike up conversation: Ask about his or her Christmas traditions – and simply listen to their response in a way that seeks to understand!
  • Treat someone to coffee/hot cocoa: The grocery clerk, librarian, janitor, teacher, whomever you consistently see! This is a fun way to surprise he or she with a simple pleasure, just because it’s Christmas.
  • Take over a plate of cookies: Food is a great entry into the lives of our neighbors!
  • Brainstorm a way to serve: Does he or she have a need you know of? Whether a tangible need or an emotional/spiritual need where you could encourage them?

Share from the outflow of your relationship with Jesus: How does knowing Jesus today influence the way you think, relate, and act? How is Jesus transforming you in an area/s where you know you couldn’t change yourself? Jesus is active in your life—just allow that to spill over into the lives of those around you!