
Great Things Celebration & Vote

Join us for a very special Sunday morning as we close out our church year! 

Register and pay for lunch HERE (by 9/1)

We are so excited to celebrate together the morning of Sunday, September 8 from 10:15am-1:30pm! We’ll pause to mark what God has done in and through BRBC this past year with a celebration worship service and a ministry year-in-review. We will also commit the coming year to God. 

Check out past years’ awesome ministry infographics here:

2023 infographic
2022 infographic
2021 infographic
2020 infographic


More information:

  • Worship service will be in the sanctuary, with childcare for those ages 8 and under as usual.
  • Lunch and the church vote will follow the service.
  • We’ll be dismissed from the service to the tent for lunch. Parents, please pick-up your children on your way out to the tent. 
  • Register and pay for lunch HERE to enjoy delicious catered picnic-style fare together: pulled chicken BBQ, coleslaw, baked beans from Carolina Brothers Pit Barbeque. (All options are gluten and dairy free.). 
  • Lunch will be buffet-style and will be open immediately following the service; first come, first served. Seating will be informal under the tent and at picnic tables around the playground.
  • Following lunch and fellowship, our BRBC elders will lead us through our annual church vote, kicking off approximately at 12:15pm. This will be under the tent as well. Regina will take kiddos ages 2-8 for outside activities during the vote portion. 


Click here for access to church vote documents to review: leadership recommendations and the proposed budget.


September 8, 2024


10:15 am - 1:30 pm

The event is finished.